Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms
MIT PhD Thesis: Hartke, T., Fermion pairing and correlations under a quantum gas microscope (2022).
Finalist for the Deborah Jin Thesis Award in Atomic, Molecular, or Optical Physics, with an invited talk at DAMOP (2023).
Thesis defense slides, and a shorter technical summary.
Hartke, T., Oreg, B., Turnbaugh, C., Jia, N. & Zwierlein, M.,
Emergent Bose-Fermi mixture from a spin-imbalanced Hubbard gas, In preparation (2023).Hartke, T., Oreg, B., Turnbaugh, C., Jia, N. & Zwierlein, M.,
Direct observation of non-local fermion pairing in an attractive Fermi-Hubbard gas, Science 381 (6653), 82-86 (2023). ArxivHartke, T., Oreg, B., Jia, N. & Zwierlein, M.,
Quantum register of fermion pairs, Nature 601, 537-541 (2022). ArxivHighlighted in MIT News and in the MIT physics department. Invited talks by N. Jia at DAMOP 2022 and M. Zwierlein at March Meeting 2022.
Presentation at DAMOP 2021 (slides), and poster at BEC 2021 conference in Spain (poster).
Hartke, T., Oreg, B., Jia, N. & Zwierlein, M.,
Doublon-hole correlations and fluctuation thermometry in a Fermi-Hubbard gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 113601 (2020). ArxivCover image of Physical Review Letters Vol. 125, Iss. 11.
Nichols, M. A., Cheuk, L. W., Okan, M., Hartke, T. R., Mendez, E., Senthil, T., Khatami, E., Zhang, H., Zwierlein, M. W.,
Spin transport in a Mott insulator of ultracold fermions, Science 363 (6425), 383-387 (2018). ArxivPresentation at March Meeting 2019 (slides), and poster at the 685th WE-Heraeus seminar in Bad Honnef, Germany (poster).
Quantum Control of Single Electrons
Undergraduate Thesis: Hartke, T., Tailored electron-phonon interactions in semiconductor double quantum dots (2017).
Hartke, T. R., Liu, Y.-Y., Gullans, M. J., and Petta, J. R.,
Microwave Detection of Electron-Phonon Interactions in a Cavity-Coupled Double Quantum Dot, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 097701 (2018). ArxivHighlighted in Physics Magazine. Editor's suggestion.
Presentation at Nanowire Week 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario (slides).
Liu, Y.-Y., Stehlik, J., Mi, X., Hartke, T. R., Gullans, M. J., and Petta, J. R.,
On-Chip Quantum-Dot Light Source for Quantum-Device Readout, Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 014030 (2018). ArxivLiu, Y.-Y., Hartke, T. R., Stehlik, J., and Petta, J. R.,
Phase locking of a semiconductor double-quantum-dot single-atom maser, Phys. Rev. A 96, 053816 (2017). ArxivLiu, Y.-Y., Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Mi, X., Hartke, T. R., Gullans, M. J., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R.,
Threshold Dynamics of a Semiconductor Single Atom Maser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 097702 (2017). ArxivStehlik, J., Liu, Y.-Y., Eichler, C., Hartke, T. R., Mi, X., Gullans, M. J., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R.,
Double Quantum Dot Floquet Gain Medium, Phys. Rev. X 6, 041027 (2016). ArxivStehlik, J., Liu, Y.-Y., Quintana, C. M., Eichler, C., Hartke, T. R., and Petta, J. R.,
Fast Charge Sensing of a Cavity-Coupled Double Quantum Dot Using a Josephson Parametric Amplifier, Phys. Rev. Applied 4, 014018 (2015). Arxiv
Chou-Ren, D., Hartke, T., and Poirier, G. R.,
Chemical diffusion increases thermal expansion gradients enhancing compressive stress cracking at the TGO interface, Materials Letters 78, 8-10 (2012).